The Lodge: Modernism in the Lingnan Garden
Authors | 作者:Guangsi Lin, Wang Quhe | 林广思、王曲荷
Publisher | 出版社:South China University of Technology Press | 华南理工大学出版社,2023
Introduction | 内容简介:
As the “state guesthouse” at that time, the mountain lodge on Baiyun Mountain in Guangzhou is undoubtedly one of the most important works of Lingnan Garden since the 1950s. The book uses a long case study method to explain the changes and reasons for the mountain lodge in the design, renovation and expansion of the lodge from 1962 to 2019. At the same time, this archival research will also help the lodge as a masterpiece of Lingnan garden, to be more authentic and complete in the future renovation and renewal.
The book has a total of 230,000 words and five chapters. The first chapter mainly describes the changes in the social situation from the 1960s to 2019 during the construction of the lodge, and constructs a historical narrative based on the lodge. Chapters 2 and 3 mainly use a large number of historical photographs, drawings and surveying data to compare and illustrate the design and real appearance of the lodge in different historical periods. Chapter 4 is a comprehensive analysis of the design theory of lodges, establishing the connection between garden theory and concrete practice. The final chapter analyzes the heritage value of the lodge based on a re-examination of its value and makes recommendations for its future conservation and use.
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Binding | 装帧形式:Paperback | 平装
Publication Date | 出版时间:2023.12
Format | 开本:210 mm×297 mm | 16开
Edition | 版次:1-1
Word Count | 字数:233,000 words | 233千
Page Count | 页数:252 pages | 252页
Price | 定价:98.00 ¥