Professor Guangsi Lin from our team has been honored as aTop 1% Highly Cited Scholars on China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) in 2024.


In the discipline of Landscape Architecture under the category of Engineering and Technology, 19 individuals have been certified as part of the “Top 1% Highly Cited Scholars on China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) in 2024”. | 在工学下的风景园林学科中,19人已认证入选“2024中国知网高被引学者Top1%。

The China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) Evaluation Center for Scientific Literature Measurement and Evaluation (referred to as the “CNKI Evaluation Center”) has, for the first time in 2024, conducted an objective evaluation of the academic influence of scholars based on domestic academic achievements included in the CNKI database. The “2024 CNKI Highly Cited Scholars” list has been selected to support the domestic first publication of outstanding achievements.

Scholars who have received the “Top 1% CNKI Highly Cited Scholars 2024” must meet the following criteria: the total PCSI (Paper Citation Score Index) of the author’s publications over the past decade must be in the top 1% of the initial selection range (with a total of 30,000 scholars, and a baseline value of 31.016); they must have published no less than 5 papers with a PCSI higher than the theoretical average (1.65) over the past decade, and have published at least one high-impact paper in the same period. The “CNKI Highly Cited Scholars” list demonstrates the scholars’ influence in the academic community, their contributions to their disciplines, and their significant status.



Professor Guangsi Lin from our team received the “Guangdong Landscape Architecture Society Science and Technology Award for 2024”.


Received two first prizes and one third prize in the Landscape Architecture Science and Technology Progress Awards. | 获风景园林科技进步奖一等奖2项、三等奖1项。

On September 14, 2024, the winners of the “Guangdong Landscape Architecture Society Science and Technology Award for 2024” were announced. Professor Guangsi Lin, as the main contributor, participated in the projects “The Lodge: Modernism in the Lingnan Garden” and “Innovative Methods and Technologies for Urban Design Implementation,” which won the first prize for Landscape Architecture Science and Technology Progress Award. Additionally, “Guidelines for the Design of Urban Pocket Parks” won the third prize for Landscape Architecture Science and Technology Progress Award.


Members and teachers of our team attended the 60th IFLA World Congress in Turkey.


From September 4th to 6th, 2024, the 60th IFLA World Congress was held in Istanbul, Turkey, focusing on ecological sustainability and climate change response under the “CODE RED FOR EARTH.” | 2024年9月4-6日,第60届IFLA世界大会在土耳其伊斯坦布尔举行,聚焦“地球红色警报”下的生态可持续性与气候变化应对。

From September 4th to 6th, 2024, at the “Design Projects” session, Professor Guangsi Lin (co-author: Master’s student Zhao Xu Kai) presented a speech titled “Growing and Blossoming with Nature: A Playground of Natural Style”; Doctoral student Miao Xingjian (advisor: Professor Guangsi Lin) presented a speech titled “FLOATING OASIS: Visions of Urban Future Parks at the 2nd China (Guangzhou) Park’s Culture & Creative Industrial Festival”. At the “Engaging with the Digital: Innovation, Technology & Big Data” session, Professor Lin Guangsi presented a speech titled “Assessing and Interpreting Perceived Park Accessibility, Usability and Attractiveness through Texts and Images from Social Media”. At the “Projecting the Process: Monitoring, Assessment & Applications” session, postdoctoral researcher Chen Mengyun presented a speech titled “Revealing Relationship between Environmental Features Combinations and Cultural Ecosystem Benefits”.

2024年9月4日至6日,“Design Projects”分会场上,林广思教授(合作者:赵旭凯硕士生)发表了题为“Growing and Blossoming with Nature:A Playground of Natural Style”的演讲;博士研究生苗行健(指导教师:林广思教授)发表了题为“FLOATING OASIS:Visions of Urban Future Parks at the 2nd China (Guangzhou) Park’s Culture & Creative Industrial Festival”的演讲。“Engaging with the Digital: Innovation, Technology & Big Data”分会场上,林广思教授发表了题为“Assessing and Interpreting Perceived Park Accessibility, Usability and Attractiveness through Texts and Images from Social Media”的演讲。“Projecting the Process: Monitoring, Assessment & Applications”分会场上,博士后陈梦芸发表了题为“Revealing Relationship between Environmental Features Combinations and Cultural Ecosystem Benefits”的演讲。

Our team’s design work “Community cycle: a solution to dike-pond landscape simplification” won the 2024 ASLA Student Awards.


Analysis and Planning Honor Award | 分析与规划类荣誉奖

On September 5, 2024, the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) Student Awards officially announced the list of winners.Under the guidance of Professor Guangsi Lin, the graduate students Miao Xingjian, Chi Wenxiu, Cheng Qiantong, He Xiaoqi, Yang Xiaowei, Lin Ye, Zhong Zhaoyu, Xiao Hanyi, and Jiang Linju jointly completed the work “Community Cycle: A Solution to Dike-Pond Landscape Simplification,” which stood out among 495 entries and won the Analysis and Planning Honor Award. This year, a total of 38 works were awarded, including 1 Excellence Award and 4 Honor Awards in the Analysis and Planning category.
ASLA judges commented: ” A very clearly, creatively and intelligently communicated project. The content has clear graphic language and easy to follow the project rationale. The diagrams are informative, organized, clear and graphically rich – with just the right amount of annotation to supplement the project’s graphic components. Nicely done and ties aquaculture to public health, community culture and ecology. Multi-level benefits proposed that are worthy and add value.”

ASLA Website Link for the Project | 作品ASLA网站链接:

“The Lodge: Modernism in the Lingnan Garden” New Book Sharing Event Held at the Zhujiang Park Bay Bookhouse in Guangzhou


Experts and Scholars Gather to Discuss the Modernist Characteristics of Lingnan Gardens | 专家学者共襄盛举,探讨岭南园林的现代主义特色

Guangzhou, March 28, 2024 — The “Mountain Lodge: Modernism in Lingnan Gardens” book sharing event, co-hosted by the South China University of Technology Press and Guangzhou’s Baiyun Mountain administration, took place at the Zhujiang Park Bay Bookhouse. The event aimed to explore the modernist characteristics of Lingnan gardens. Co-authored by Professor Guangsi Lin and Master Wang Quhe, the book delves into the Baiyun Mountain Lodge’s design and evolution, offering a detailed look at the modern architecture of Lingnan gardens through extensive drawings and photographs. The sharing event featured a discussion with experts, including Dr. Tang Keyang from Tsinghua University and Dr. Chen Chongxian from South China Agricultural University, who provided insights into the modernist elements of Lingnan gardens. The publication fills a gap in academic research on Lingnan garden modernism and is expected to raise public interest and awareness in the preservation of these cultural landscapes. The organizers aim to use the event to promote understanding of Lingnan garden culture and its significance in urban modernization.

广州,2024年3月28日 —— 一场聚焦于岭南园林现代主义的学术交流盛会——《山庄旅舍:岭南庭园的现代主义》新书分享会,于广州珠江公园湾区书屋圆满落幕。此次活动由华南理工大学出版社联合广州市白云山风景名胜区管理局、广州珠江公园、广州市大湾区文化交流促进中心共同主办,旨在深入挖掘和探讨岭南园林的现代主义特色及其在当代社会的意义。 《山庄旅舍:岭南庭园的现代主义》一书由华南理工大学建筑学院风景园林系教授林广思与硕士王曲荷合著,通过详尽的设计图纸和丰富的影像资料,深入分析了白云山庄旅舍的建设背景、理论基础、设计方法和空间特征。书中还突出了山庄旅舍在多次改建和扩建过程中的变化,以及这些变化背后的原因,为读者展现出更加全面、立体、富于细节的岭南现代建筑历史。 新书分享会邀请了众多园林爱好者、专业人士及学术研究人员参与,共同见证了岭南园林建筑的学术探讨与文化传承。活动中,专家学者们就书中所述内容展开了热烈讨论,从不同角度对岭南园林的现代主义进行了深入解读。研讨嘉宾包括清华大学未来实验室首席研究员唐克扬博士,以及华南农业大学林学与风景园林学院副教授陈崇贤博士等。 该书的出版填补了岭南园林现代主义研究的学术空白,为广大读者提供了深入了解珍贵岭南文化遗产的机会。主办方希望通过此次活动,激发更多人对岭南园林文化的兴趣和保护意识,共同推动岭南园林建筑的未来发展。